B2B copywriting - texts for those who sell to other businesses

Make your message stand out

Hire a competent B2B for good results every time! I write marketing copy for marketing managers, entrepreneurs or for web and advertising agencies. I am especially good at explaining the customer benefits of complex products and services.

Why you need a proper B2B copywriter

Understanding new subjects, getting to know business models and target groups is a skill in itself. Everyone who is good at writing do not have the interest for technology, finance or medtech that is necessary to create a text to catch your target group's interest. But that is what you need - right?

Just de där ämnena som kräver lite mer initialt är de som jag gillar allra mest att skriva om. Det är så många som är bra på konsumentreklam. Jag är bra på B2B-kommunikation, och särskilt bra är jag på att förklara lite mer komplexa ämnen på ett lättillgängligt sätt. Bland tekniska specifikationer och funktionslistor gömmer sig de mest storslagna säljargument och kundnytta som bara väntar på att någon ska berätta om dem!

Do you need help writing the texts that your products deserve?

Call +46 (0)70 852 07 55 or send an e-mail to ingrid@digdo.se.

Texts for your website

Your website is one of your most important marketing tools. If you are going to have a new site made, please get in touch with me early on, preferrably before your web developers get started on the project. That way we can work in parallell with text content and web development. But of course I will do texts for almost-ready websites also!

Sometimes, after a couple of years, your web content needs a refresher. Texts are no longer to the point, maybe you have new products and services or maybe your competitors re-positioned their offering.

Blog texts, web articles and SEO content

A steady flow of new articles on the website looks good, and is also a good way to display your competence and expertise. Sharing quality content will enhance your brand image and you will be perceived as being both helpful and competent.

A good thing is to combine web articles with an SEO strategy where the content is designed to rank well, ranking at or near the top of Google's search results. Writing to please both your readers and Google is a craft with its own special charm. 

Most of the time I will work with a subject matter expert, read up on existing materials or do intervews before I write the actual text and have it reviewed by the SME before publication.

Content for LinkedIn, Facebook or other social media

Would you also like to have an active sociual media account? I will help you create your posts. Since I am a B2B copywriter, I feel most at home on LinkedIn, both when it comes to organic posting and paid advertising.

Texts for brochures and print

Printed marketing materials probably still have a place in your marketing mix. For me, the difference in wiriting is mostly about keeping everything shorter to leave space for images and illustrations.

Video and speaker manuscripts

Not all copywriters are willing to do video scripts, but since I used to have film and video as a hobby (and passion) when I was younger, I believe I have a good grasp on what a good speaker text is and which captions works best as a complement to the video material. Mostly it is about highlighting what is being said or shown, in a more cronological order with plenty of room for visuals. If a web text can explain things in detail, videos are more suited to conveying feelings, even if your target audience are B2B buyers.

Will I be able to write about your product for your customers?

Well, yes. At first I may need some time to learn the topic and if your product is very compex, the first few texts may take extra time for me to write. Speed will increase as we go. As I get to learn your customers and target audience, I can start suggesting new topics for the blog or new LinkedIn posts.

There is no subject I would hesitate writing about because of the difficulty level. Some of the subjects I have written about are:

B2B copywriter - Swedish and English

I write in Swedish and in English (US English). English may not be my native language, but my skills are good enough to have my texts used by publically traded multinational companies in their marketing. US English is easier for non-native English speakers with English as their second, third or even fourth language.

Do you need help writing the texts that your products deserve?

Call +46 (0)70 852 07 55 or send an e-mail to ingrid@digdo.se.


SEO copy

Everyone needs SEO optimized texts, because everyone is googling! It does not matter if you are selling specilized B2B services or decorative pillows.

Your customer is sure to google at some point during the buyer's journey.

English copywriting

When you are a Swedish company with a niche product or service, you are most likely targeting an international audience with your marketing. As an English copywriter, I will help you get your message across just as well in English as in Swedish.