B2C content

Marketing texts for the consumer market

Marketing copy for consumers may seem easy enough to write. You rarely have to explain complicated technology, specific regulations or complex correlations. Unfortunately, this can require more of the copywriter, as the words and the emotions they spark come more into focus.

Usually, I start out with defining the basic prerequisites and targets.

1. What is the purpose of this text?

By making the purpose of the text clear it will become so much easier to hit the target, by taking out content that is not relevant or add what is missing to create emotion or nudge the reader towards action.

2. Who is our audience?

Unless you write to and for your audience you may as well talk to your own image in the mirror. Give the reader a reason to start reading and avoid things that disctract from what you want to communicate.

When crafting your copy, keep the following in mind:

3. Start with the conclusion

This is opposite from classic rethorical concepts , but keep in mind how we consume (or ignore) texts today. There are so many things competing for people's attention, and we tend to skip anything that is not immediately interesting. I use the headline and the first sentence to sell my text to the reader. Further down you can explain and provide background as needed, before re-stating the conclusion. By now you should have established your credibility and trustworthiness.

4. Use simple, but correct language

If you want your message to get accross, make sure your words do not get in the way! Marketing copy should be easy to understand, so avoid writing in a style that shows off all your language skills and fancy words. But keep in mind that errors in spelling or grammar may be distracting and should be avioded.

5. Add personality

Precis som att företag har olika grafisk profil som ger en visuell spegling av företagets image, kan man använda olika sorters tilltal i text. Det brukar kallas tonalitet. Tonaliteten bör ligga i linje med hur du vill att företaget ska uppfattas. Trenden de senaste åren har ganska snabbt gått mot en mer informell och personlig ton, mycket tack vare hur sociala medier och meddelande-appar påverkat hur vi kommunicerar. Att vara personlig betyder också att man låter företagets värderingar lysa igenom.

And lastly:

6. Proofread you text

Before you publish a text, run a spell check and proofread it, preferrably a day or so after you finished it. You will be able to catch not only spelling mistakes, but also words or phrases that seem a little bit off. By making some adjustments you will end up with a much better result.

Do you want your text to have impact?

Call +46 (0)70 852 07 55 or send an e-mail to ingrid@digdo.se.


SEO copy

Everyone needs SEO optimized texts, because everyone is googling! It does not matter if you are selling specilized B2B services or decorative pillows.

Your customer is sure to google at some point during the buyer's journey.

English copywriting

When you are a Swedish company with a niche product or service, you are most likely targeting an international audience with your marketing. As an English copywriter, I will help you get your message across just as well in English as in Swedish.