SEO–copywriter för sökmotoroptimerade texter

SEO copywriting

Som SEO-copywriter skriver jag texter som gör att du blir mer synlig på nätet. Alla behöver sökmotoroptimerade texter, eftersom alla googlar! Det spelar ingen roll om du säljer specialiserade B2B-tjänster eller soffkuddar. Någon gång under köpresan kan du vara säker på att din kund gör en webbsökning för att undersöka utbud och möjliga leverantörer.

SEO copy: More than keywords

Som SEO-copywriter skriver jag sökmotoroptimerade texter av olika slag, både direkt för olika företag och som underkonsult till andra. Jag skriver på svenska och på engelska (US English). Ibland är det tjänste- eller produktsidor som ska optimeras. Ibland finns en strategi att skapa en större mängd innehåll som attraherar en viss målgrupp till din hemsida.

Att skriva en SEO-anpassad text handlar både om att skriva en bra, kommunicerande text som känns trovärdig och är enkel att ta till sig, samtidigt som man gör det lätt för Google att förstå vad varje sida handlar om. Där finns olika knep att använda sig av.

copywriter seo results
copywriter seo results

SEO content - texts that are easy to find

En riktigt bra text balanserar det besökarna vill läsa om med det du vill ha sagt, har ett naturligt tilltal och leder läsaren vidare i tanke eller handling. Det gäller att sätta sig in i både ämnet och målgruppens drivkrafter för att lyfta fram de aspekter som är intressanta i sammanhanget. Det kan till exempel vara unika försäljningsargument eller saker som ger hög igenkänning.

Vill du dessutom att din text ska ranka bra, det vill säga hamna högt bland sökresultaten, behöver den utformas på rätt sätt. Det ska vara tydligt för Google vad texten handlar om och innehållet ska vara användbart för den som gör sökningen. Det kan en SEO-copywriter hjälpa dig med.

SEO optimized landing pages

A search engine optimized page will attract visitors organically, without the need for advertising. If you want to nudge the visitor to place an order, ask for a quote or book a meeting - make it easy for them to get in contact. Use a contact form, ask them to call you, e-mail or submit a form.

When you specifically want conversions it is often wise to restrict the amount of information on the page. This way you will not answer every question the visitor may have. The number of links from the page should be minimal, so that we do not distract or lose the visitor to another web page before we get the conversion. Nudging the visitor towards making contact is our first priority.

If you also use Google Ads, the exact same pages can be used as landing pages for your ads.

Do you need better rankings on Google?

I will write content that provides good long-term results. The text is always unique, and always of good quality.

Call +46 (0)70 852 07 55 or send an e-mail to

How do you know which key word to optimize for?

A page can only truly be optimized for one primary search (key word or key phrase) at a time. You can have secondary key words, but they will mainly be supporting signals to Google when it ranks the pages most likely to answer a search. Keywords are often a combination of words, such as skorstensrenovering stockholm or vessel fuel optimization.

Sometimes your think your keyword is obvious, but we should always look at which exact words that have the highest search volume. Even if you are used to talking about kanalrenovering that you do not realize they are searching for skorstensrenovering.

I will help you determine which keywords that has the best chance of generating quality search traffic.

SEO copywriting is a competition!

Once I know which search word or search phrase to optimize the text for, I usually look at what content is ranking at the top for that search. This gives me a feeling for what type of content Google likes, and what the competition looks like. We need to compete with and ideally beat the competing sites.

It is a content competition, to see who is best at writing content that Google approves of, but also in who can make the most helpful content that appeals to prospective customers. Is that not a trigger for your competitive instincts?

I like the combination of logical analysis, target audience analysis and creativity. Google is defintiely moving towards more sophisticated analysis of how well content matches the user's search intent. This means less focus than before on inbound links, exact matches and keyword densitiy than before, even if these factors are still in play.

Do you need better rankings on Google?

I will write content that provides good long-term results. The text is always unique, and always of good quality.

Call +46 (0)70 852 07 55 or send an e-mail to


B2B copywriting

Hire a competent B2B for good results every time! I write marketing copy for marketing managers, entrepreneurs or for web and advertising agencies.

I am especially good at explaining the customer benefits of complex products and services.

English copywriting

When you are a Swedish company with a niche product or service, you are most likely targeting an international audience with your marketing. As an English copywriter, I will help you get your message across just as well in English as in Swedish.